Drama is a mode of fictional representation through dialogue and performance. Drama is a composition in verse or prose presenting a story through on-stage physicality and action.

Drama is essential for the development of listening, reading, and speaking techniques, as well as teambuilding skills and group work.

We also offer On-Camera TV/Film classes which explores the fundamentals of truthful yet minimalistic acting. We work on the basics of dissecting a script, identifying beats, transitions and operative words, in order to infuse passion to what we say, rather than blandly recite it. We’ll explore the different genres of serious vs. comedic acting, all based in truth and understanding of moments. We take a gradual approach towards internalizing the scripted copy in such a way that the actors aren’t just talking to the camera, but actually reaching through the lens and making meaningful connections. A must for auditioning actors!

Olivia Head
Olivia Head
Film & Television Technique / Drama Teacher
Artenis Hasani
Artenis Nuzi
Film & Television Technique / Drama Teacher